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Thoughts to Inspire

In the ever turning cycle of consequence & karma...the oppressor is as much a victim as the oppressed....
One a victim by choice...the other a victim by chance....

Isha Ruachvara

This is a new and completely unique day, and each moment we experience in this day is a once in a lifetime moment...these moments will never happen again. As our lives touch these singular finite moments that weave the fabric of infinity....lets touch it with purpose, with love, with light with peace and in truth...

Isha Ruachvara

The power to forgive like any other resource is only effective when we use it.
We may not be able to control events that offend,
but we can cleanse and renew our souls everyday by choosing to FORGIVE

Isha Ruachvara.

Three familiar words expected to bond beings, will be spoken by us.. or to us.. countless times during our lives. The journey of our souls on the path of I LOVE U, will take us in and out of the emotion of loving so many times that for many… hearts will grow numb….becoming home to an ache so constant it’s forgotten, the significance of those words diminished.

Being able to share love is the purest expression of divine energy we will ever be hosts of. It heals, affirms and connects us to our highest selves. Therefore, to create a new season in your journey…to end the cycle that leads to numbness…to be healed and to heal… before you take someone’s hand again…climb off of the seesaw, remove the weeds of the past… reconnect to the divine within and without, stand still in the spirit of your unique divine love, the I Am that I Am…rebuild your home there, then take that hand…and say instead… I AM U…..

Feel the evolution…Be the evolution…

Isha Ruachvara

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